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Architect School 2014 - 2024

Inspiring students to be architects since 2014


加入体验过 Archi tect Sch ool 的数千名学生。向慈善机构捐款的学生或学校可获得指导并完全访问建筑师学校网站,该网站包含 50 多页有关建筑的所有信息。

如果您是一名想成为建筑师的学生、一所想将建筑师学院纳入学校课程的学校或一名想合作指导学生成为建筑师的建筑师,请联系 Marc

Join the thousand's of students who have experienced Architect School. Get a customised architect education curriculum to guide your progress to be an architect.​​

Students and schools that donate $ to charity get custom mentoring and full access to the Architect School website that features 50+ pages of all things architecture. ​​

​​​Architect School is in New Zealand, Australia, Cambodia, Fiji, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Samoa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sout Korea, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Tonga, United Arab Emirates and Vietnam. ​​​​


Contact Marc if you are a school student who wants to be an architect, a school that wants to integrate Architect School into your school curriculum or an architect that wants to collaborate to mentor students to be architects.

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